Thursday, November 19, 2009

My new pets!!

J/K we don't really have a new pet. We have bee's in our house. It started on Halloween morning when Judd stepped on one, and Judd was a little bee for Halloween. Ever since Halloween we have found over 200 bee's in our basement. So Trent knew that we had to have a hive in our basement some where. So on Monday he started to drill holes in our walls looking for them. Here is one of the many bee's we have killed Trent has became a Pro.
Here is a picture of the holes in the wall after Trent drilled. We had to tape because they started coming out as soon as he drilled it. We put some kind of powder in the holes that killed them. looks like baking powder.

Here is a picture of some of the bee's in the wall covered in that powder. They are really big.

Trent thinks that the hive has been there for years because of the size. It is in the left hand corner that white thing

I'm so thankful for my brave hubby to do all that himself. I can always count on him to keep us safe. He took the hive out himself. So brave.


Howells Fam said...

That is disgusting! I'm glad nobody was hurt!

Laurie Jacobsen said...

Wow....that's scary. I can't believe that. Have you ever noticed the bees before or did you just start noticing them last month? I am glad you guys found the source.

Anonymous said...

Eww. We have a bee problem too. i think there is a hive in the roof.. They come in through natalies room somewhere.. We have Vaccumed up enough to fill the cylinder. I am glad you guys could find yours.

Chad and Candice said...

Is it a coincidence that Judd dressed as a bee for halloween? Just kidding- Chad wanted to see a pic after you took the hive out of the wall. Was it full of eggs and stuff?